
Stories provides a curated and networked forum for globally displaced people, refugees and asylum seekers, to share their life experiences in the public domain.

  • Technology provides us all with the opportunity to play with our cultural desires, to see ourselves as others see us, to engage with that vision, and to bring an authentic dialogue outside our normal realms of daily communication.
  • Displaced people and refugees’ narratives however, are often framed by others, because of the uneven global distribution of technology and in keeping with particular mass media constructions, platform and political agendas.
  • Displaced people, refugees and asylum seekers around the world are regularly spoken about by others, rarely have they the opportunity to tell their own stories. Particularly stories that relate to their daily lives among host communities. Stories, as an ongoing curatorial project, hopes to redress that imbalance.

If you know of stories that you wish to be part of the project, get in touch with [email protected]

“Arua Stories

Arua Stories has been realised through HTiL partnering with the Community Development Centre (CDC) – a refugee-led organisation based in Uganda. As part of the Access programmes initiative there, the collaborative Arua Stories curatorial project empowered refugees in the Arua district of Northern Uganda with the opportunity to share their stories, and tell also about our first pilot Access programme, the Addressing Beautiful Arua (ABA) campaign, in partnership with global-location app creator, . Techniques in visual storytelling were used by CDC members and refugees in the Arua district to contribute to the reaffirmation of our shared global connectivity.

In 2020 more videos are being created, as well as a Covid & Beyond Podcast series with local camp radio, featuring both refugees questions and ideas as well as interviews with pending Access programme providers and supporters speaking directly to those refugees pre-recorded contributions. The hope is to continue to share a more complete understanding of the life of refugees in the Arua Camp, and give a forum where refugees in their own words can share their plans and aspirations for the future. Arua Stories seeks to productively engage as wide a network as possible in support of the many Access programmes, in new and constructive but above all, relevant, ways.

If you want to know more about the Stories project, the Covid & Beyond Podcast, and/or the Access programmes, or simply how to support or to help in anyway you can, please write to [email protected]